Monday, 9 September 2013

Starpic Solution

Our friends at Starpic offer a wide range of great services at affordable prices.
While having a website may seem like an unnecessary cost if you're not a prolific internet user yourself, a recent survey showed around 70% of the UK's population now has access to an internet connection - that's a big business opportunity you'll be missing out on if you don't have a web presence.
 Starpic can help your business journey, from start to success.

- Website design
- Social Media Strategy
- Customised stationary  
 -Business support

The first meeting is always free!
Give it a try! Only £150: 2 page website+ 1 year hosting+ domain name

Starpic LTD
Hays Business Centre
4 Hay Avenue
EH16 4AQ
0131 258 4278

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