Below is a short, very straight forward guide telling you all you need to know about HMRC rules on Christmas parties, gifts and entertainment.
Gifts To Customers
Gifts to
customers would not be allowable unless:
Costing less
than £50 and bearing the business name
would be any item of food drink or tobacco
Gifts to staff
Christmas gifts to staff are classed as taxable benefits, except if they're
deemed trivial. Only then are they exempt from tax.
A bottle of wine or a small box of chocolates are examples of a trivial
gift. However, a box of wine or a food hamper are seen as a decent present and
therefore, not trivial and completely taxable.
All gifts of money (apart from Suggestion Scheme awards, see below) such
as bonuses must be put through the payroll system and are subject to tax the
same as wages.
Staff Christmas Party
Limit is
£150 per employee (everyone must be invited)
100% no exceptions
Above rules are for income tax /
corporation tax and VAT
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